Moon Cycle Self Care:

Create a life that recharges and nurtures you.

By the end of this programme, you will be empowered to plan a week that helps you connect to your inner child, de-stress, rediscover yourself, and is just full of more fun and joy!


By the end of this programme you will:

  • Be showing up for your life with more energy and joy, rather than stress and overwhelm.
  • Know how to love and care for yourself so when stress does arise you know how to get back to a calm and peaceful state.
  • Have discovered what you love to do for FUN and how to fit more of it into your day.
  • Be reconnected to your inner child and allow more play to come into your life.
  • Be able to plan your week so that you actually schedule time in for yourself, your wants and your needs.
  • Know yourself on a much deeper level than you have before.
  • Be tapped into your energy levels and how they shift each day/week so you know exactly where and when you need the most self-care.

The programme lasts for 8 weeks:

Week 1

During week 1 you will dive into your mindset and become aware of why you don't take the time for yourself that you need and deserve. I find that's it's actually little to do with how much time you have and is actually a lot to do with how guilty you feel when you do take the time.

Week 2

In week 2 you will start to track your energy and motivation during the week and see how it shifts and changes and whether it correlates with your menstrual cycle and/or the moon. And you will start to think about what hobbies and self-care activities work best for you during each week/phase of the month.

Week 3

Week 3 is all about rediscovering who you are. How can you look after someone you don't know? I will help you figure out if you're an introvert or extrovert, a night owl or morning bird, whether you're internally or externally motivated (using Human Design) and more. And then if you don't know what hobbies you want to fit into your day you are going to start figuring out what it is that you would love to do.

And then it's time to get practical and look at where your time is actually going. Are you pouring into others more than yourself? Are you running around to places you don't even want to go? Are you sacrificing time to yourself somewhere in your week? It's time to get honest with yourself and once you can see in front of you where your time actually goes, it's much easier to figure out where you can get more of it back for yourself.

Week 4

Week 4 is about discovering what you actually want. This is such a fun week where you get to dream big and let your imagination run wild. This will help you get so excited and lit up about all the possibilities that are out there. There are so many different hobbies and interests and passions for you and we have access to so many ways to learn something new or join a community for our hobby. You're going to ignite your spark.

Week 5

Week 5 you're going to start actually planning your week and setting up your routines. I'm going to give you lots of options on how to do this and there is a little more figuring out! For example, do you prefer routines or are you more go with the flow? You are going to plan your best week yet and then keep going! And soon it will be so second nature you almost won't need to plan your self-care; you will just fit it in without thinking.

Week 6

Week 6 is a new addition and I will be sharing all about boundaries; what they are, how to set healthy ones and why they are so important.

Week 7

Week 7 is also new and I am going to show you how I set some areas of my home up to support my self-care. I will show you how your environment can impact your everyday joy and that you only need a little space to make a big difference.

Week 8

Week 6 you will reflect on how the past few weeks went and see if anything needs tweaking. I will also share lots of practical tips to help you on your journey after we wrap up the programme. And you can share your tips with each other too!

Bonus week

This bonus week I dive into how I use the cycles to set up my work week. This is for you if you run your own business, are freelance or have some control over your work schedule. I show you how you can use the natural energy cycles to get the most out of what work you're doing each week.

I want you to stop going to bed wondering where all of your time went and feeling dissatisfied with how you spent your day.

Instead, I want you to go to bed feeling fulfilled and happy knowing that you got to do what you wanted to do and you get to do it all over again tomorrow!

This programme is for you if:

  • You are overwhelmed and need some help figuring out how to fit more time for yourself into your busy day.
  • You don't mind getting a little "woo-woo" and talking about star signs, the moon phases and menstrual cycles.
  • You are feeling a little lost and want to rediscover your passions and what you are actually interested in.
  • You are sick of people telling you to do the same thing every day until it's a habit; some days you want to do all the things and some days you want to do nothing. This is normal. And I show you why inside the programme.
  • You are ready to take control and create a life that fills you with energy and nurtures you.
  • You want to feel joy and fun in your day again; you want to end the day satisfied that you got time to yourself, not feeling resentful of how much of your time you gave away.
  • You are ready to interrupt the pattern of the same things every day and try something new and exciting. You've got the spark and this programme will help make it shine.

I've been there.

When I had my first baby I thought I had to sacrifice and give up the things I loved now that I was "mum". The most self-care I gave myself for the first year of his life was a bath.

I was burned out, and my physical appearance was suffering. I thought there was something physically wrong with me and went to the doctor to ask for a magic diagnosis to make it better.

He was only interested in my lifestyle and the support I had at home. Although I felt silly sitting there with him, I'm so grateful. He planted the seed that maybe I was a little more stressed than I thought. Maybe I did need to start actually looking after myself rather than giving everything to everyone else.

7 years, a lot of work on the feelings of guilt, and another baby later I am so much more equipped to deal with stress. Plus I have about 20 hobbies and interests that bring fun and passion into my days.

I want the same for you friend. I wish I had this programme 7 years ago to fast track me to where I am today.

Hear from others inside:

  • Lightbulb moment: "Hearing from a mum (we're expecting our first in May) how it is really is okay to take - and make - time for yourself, and that it can help you be a better parent."
  • "It sometimes seem like we can't have hobbies for hobbies sake in the US; everything needs to be a 'side hustle' or a business idea. I am resisting these ideas every step of the way and am glad to be working on myself through this course. Thanks Hannah!"
  • "My love for reiki & crystal healing has started to come back so I’ve set myself a challenge to try & perform some self healing every day in order to feel my bond with reiki again."


What comes with the purchase?

This is a fully digital product so you get instant access and nothing in the mail. You have lifetime access to the programme so you don't have to rush through it!

How will I get inside after I purchase it?

Once you have purchased there will be a link on the confirmation page taking you right inside, plus you will get an email. You should either have to create an account with Teachable (the platform that hosts the programme) or log in if you already have an account.

Do I have to show up at a certain time or day?

No, the videos are all ready for you to dive into.

How long do I have access to the product for?

How does forever sound? That's right, as long as the Hannah Hand Makes exists, you will have access to all of the videos released in the programme.

Do you offer refunds?

Unfortunately for online programmes, refunds are not offered.

Sometimes, it's not that you're doing too much, it's that you're not doing enough of the things that help recharge you. I want to help you change that.